Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It began at 4:15AM - I couldn't sleep - too hot, RLS & apprehensive about surgery. I got up and played Solitaire on the computer hoping to get sleepy - didn't work. Fed the kitty, poured a glass of orange juice and began a new day. Stan and I both had 9AM appointments with our regular Dr. My app't. took 5 min. then I waited an hour and a half on Stan. Dr. found Stan's heart beat very irregular, not fast & not slow just very irregular. So, he was fitted with a portable heart monitor to wear for 24 hrs. We went home and I fixed lunch for Stan. I had to see my surgeon and register for surgery at 12:30PM. Stan was setting in his recliner and I was pretty sure he would be there the whole time I was gone, as it was too hot to work outside or in his shop. Dr. knew what his heart was doing in a resting state, so I talked him into going with me and walking around the hospital while I was registering. It took 3 1/2 hrs. to register!! I waited to register, then waited for blood work, then waited for an EKG, then waited for a chest x-ray! Poor Stan - he disappeared after about an hour and on my way to get the EKG I saw him in a nearly empty waiting room asleep. When he awoke and found me, he still had nearly 2 hrs. to wait on me! He showed surprising patience - something he normally has very little of. We finally got home around 4:30PM. I have to be at the hospital at 6AM in the morning which will require more waiting for both of us. Both of us will have been fasting since midnight, me because of the surgery and Stan because of blood work at 8:30AM. So he will have to desperately wait till after his blood work for his first cup of coffee. Then he'll have to wait for me to get out of surgery. He then has to go back to our Dr. and wait to have his monitor removed. Keep us in your prayers as you wait for my next blog. God Bless!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A New Season

We're back in south TX for our 12th winter, and our 10th season as Expert shuffleboard players. I'm very excited about this season as I have two new partners. Both excellent and well-respected players who asked me to be their partners this season. I can't wait for the tournaments to begin and see how it goes. I've been playing well, but I'm still a little apprehensive about playing up to their expectations of me. Stan has good partners also for this season. Wish us luck and I'll keep you posted once the tournaments begin in Nov.
In the meantime, I have a surgery to get through this Wed., Oct. 8th, to repair some incisional hernias from the hysterectomy I had in May '07. Should be pretty routine, with one night in the hospital then 2 to 3 wks. recovery. Will be so glad to get it overwith! Would very much appreciate your prayers. God Bless!