Sunday, October 5, 2008

A New Season

We're back in south TX for our 12th winter, and our 10th season as Expert shuffleboard players. I'm very excited about this season as I have two new partners. Both excellent and well-respected players who asked me to be their partners this season. I can't wait for the tournaments to begin and see how it goes. I've been playing well, but I'm still a little apprehensive about playing up to their expectations of me. Stan has good partners also for this season. Wish us luck and I'll keep you posted once the tournaments begin in Nov.
In the meantime, I have a surgery to get through this Wed., Oct. 8th, to repair some incisional hernias from the hysterectomy I had in May '07. Should be pretty routine, with one night in the hospital then 2 to 3 wks. recovery. Will be so glad to get it overwith! Would very much appreciate your prayers. God Bless!


Unknown said...

Grandma, I am happy that you and GpA are experts at shuffle board and that you guys have really great partners this season!!

I will pray for you about your surgeries!! I miss you and g-pa dearly!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Rachael Quinn said...

sorry i posted as my friend its actually ME RACHAEL!!!!

Ms. Quinn said...

I was like.. umm why is Betsy loving up on our grandparents? Anyways hi Grandma! I'm excited to read all about your shuffleboard playing :) Miss you guys and hope you're surgery goes well!! Love you! Tell Grandpa hi and I love him too!