Monday, November 24, 2008


On to next week cause I totally blew it this week! I usually do well in 'singles' competition, but not today. I did great in my first game - won by 20 plus points. But, the gal I played in the second game just totally outplayed me and I lost by 13 points. I went from a fast court to a slow court and didn't adjust, so I got beat. It's very humbling. Stan plays tomorrow so let's hope he does better. Next week will be our first 'doubles' tourn. of the season and I'm anxious to see how I and my new female partner do. She's Lucille Coffin from Deleware and the first woman in TX to earn 1000 pts. plus. Happy Shuffling & God Bless!

Friday, November 21, 2008


We did it! The second tournament of the season, beautiful weather, 92 teams entered in the Expert division and we went 7 games undefeated to take 1st place. We won 4 games the first day, then had to play the 5th the morning of the 2nd day and win it to make it to the semi-finals. The 5th game on the 2nd morning is so dreaded by us shufflers because things could change so much from the first day. One day you're hot and very often the next day cold. But, we were hot the 2nd day also! My partner, Bill Piett, was very much wanting that 5th win, but didn't let me know till it was all overwith. He is 75 yrs. old and has amassed the most points of any shuffler in the Rio Grande Valley. Before this tournament he had 1490 pts. and wanted to make 1500 this season. Well, now he has 1515! Quite an accomplishment for a TX shuffler. I am working toward becoming a member of the '1000 pt. Club' with nearly 600 pts. right now. It may take 2 or 3 seasons yet, but I'll get there.
We knew from looking at the bracket before this tournament began that we would have a tough go. We had to defeat some very good teams, but by doing so, it made this victory even more enjoyable. The next tournament is a 'singles' - I'll be playing on my own. We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not So Good!

Well, the first State tournament was today, and although my partner and I played very well, we lost in the third round. BUMMER! There were 85 teams entered, and it's tough to make it to the finals, but we'll do it sooner or later. The number of entries will only get bigger as the season goes on and it won't get any easier. So, we'll see how it goes next week. God Bless!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Still Waiting!

It has been awhile since my last post, I know. Somehow I created two blogs and I have been two weeks or longer getting that straightened out! What a mess of going in circles that was! Anyway, I created this blog to mainly tell about my shuffling experiences, but because of the surgery I had Oct. 8th, I'm still waiting to be able to shuffle again. The surgery required extensive repair to the muscles in my abdomen so I have been very restricted to most activity. But, Praise the Lord this coming Wed. will be 5 wks. and the first State tournament of the season. I am so ready! It has been a long time since I've gone 5 wks. without shuffling - I'm suffering from withdrawal!! I hope to get in a little practice tomorrow afternoon and hope to find I haven't lost my touch. My male partner arrived from Canada Oct. 25 and we are anxious to begin the tournament season together. I haven't missed vacuuming, ironing, lifting the 5 gal. drinking water jug, scrubbing floors and the shower, etc., but I have sure missed shuffling!! Good or bad, I'll let you know how the first tournament goes. God Bless!