Saturday, November 8, 2008

Still Waiting!

It has been awhile since my last post, I know. Somehow I created two blogs and I have been two weeks or longer getting that straightened out! What a mess of going in circles that was! Anyway, I created this blog to mainly tell about my shuffling experiences, but because of the surgery I had Oct. 8th, I'm still waiting to be able to shuffle again. The surgery required extensive repair to the muscles in my abdomen so I have been very restricted to most activity. But, Praise the Lord this coming Wed. will be 5 wks. and the first State tournament of the season. I am so ready! It has been a long time since I've gone 5 wks. without shuffling - I'm suffering from withdrawal!! I hope to get in a little practice tomorrow afternoon and hope to find I haven't lost my touch. My male partner arrived from Canada Oct. 25 and we are anxious to begin the tournament season together. I haven't missed vacuuming, ironing, lifting the 5 gal. drinking water jug, scrubbing floors and the shower, etc., but I have sure missed shuffling!! Good or bad, I'll let you know how the first tournament goes. God Bless!

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