Friday, January 16, 2009


Well, another 1st this week, but in Consolation not Main. That's OK - it's another 10 points for the season, which gives me a total of 118 so far and I'm thrilled about that. My partner, Lucille just came off of a 2 wk. bout with the flu and was not quite up to par. We both lost our first game Tues. on a court we just couldn't handle. I finally figured out way too late that you could not shoot from the '1' position. The court was high in the center and you had to play it from the '3' or '4' position, which our opponents did. They lost their second game and were out, but we won our next five games. The Golden Age Olympics is also going on now in McAllen. It's a double elimination event, so you can loose one and work your way back up. So far, after only two games I am undefeated in that tournament and will play again today. I'll be up against a tough opponent this morning, but if my 'clearing' is on I should be OK. God Bless & Happy Shuffling!

1 comment:

Rachael Quinn said...

I was sick with what i thought was the flu... but then I came out of it. I was nervous! The flu around campus is a nasty thing!

Congrats on being undefeated! Hopefully you did great against your opponent! :)